Welcome to the NecroMoonStar Hub!

This site will be slowly growing throughout the coming years and I hope you join me in seeing how it develops!
Base site is safe for all ages, but 18+ areas are included in the subsites and in marked sub areas of Creations.
Latest update (2024, August 24): Started the site! —✬— Updates / RSS

ENTER NecroMoonStar

Current Vibes:
⇀ Proud and Powerful ;3 I tried to contain myself but I escaped

☾✬☽ About —✬— The site basics
about —— blog ——
☾✬☽ Creations —✬— A gallery of love and improvement
art —— characters —— my gen writing —— free to use ——
☾✬☽ & You —✬— Stuff to share or were made by you!
awesome sites —— fun links —— gifts ——
☾✬☽ SubSites —✬— My Other Sites and Projects
RaydrillFika fandom site —— OfTheEndless system and nonhuman community site —— AetherNeurosis spirituality site (unsure)

☾✬☽ Friends & Rings —✬— Buttons for friends and rings to enjoy!
list future web rings and friends here ——